Confused by your lab results that came back normal when you instinctively know that something doesn’t feel right? Or maybe your doctor won’t run the labs you’ve mentioned. We use advanced lab testing to look for hidden food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, Vitamin D deficiency, low thyroid function, adrenal fatigue, Candida overgrowth, or hormone imbalances, looking in all areas for a cause of your health concerns. Using this advanced type of lab testing, we can finally discover the underlying causes of your health concerns so you know for certain what’s happening within your body. We can even determine how well your body is actually functioning, even when standard blood tests have come back “normal”- there’s always room for improvement and accompanying happiness.
Comprehensive Functional Lab Testing is what sets me apart from most other doctors. I’m a health detective. I use innovative, highly advanced lab testing to discover what’s really underlying your symptoms. If you have unrelenting fatigue, maybe the cause of your fatigue is a nutrient deficiency- or a thyroid problem- or maybe its adrenal fatigue- I’ll help find the culprit. We want to figure it out sooner rather than later.
This allows us to design a targeted wellness plan that is more effective and works quickly for addressing the unique causes of your symptoms, whatever they may be.
- Comprehensive blood work (which includes a full thyroid and anemia panel)
- Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiency testing
- Gluten sensitivity testing
- Food allergy testing
- Leaky gut testing
- Autoimmune testing
- Hormone testing
- Adrenal fatigue and cortisol testing
- Cardiovascular health profiles
- Stool testing for Candida, dysbiosis, SIBO, and parasites
- Heavy metal toxicity testing
- H pylori testing
- Neurotransmitter testing
- Genetic testing
During our first visit, we’ll tailor the types of tests that are right for you to get the answers we need. We’ll go over the reports in detail so you understand what your test results really mean- and have you on track to look and feel your very best.
Here is how our Discovery Lab Tests can get you looking and feeling better:
DUTCH Hormone Testing
Hormone balance has the ability to change how we interact with the world by affecting our attitude, mood, body composition, and quality of life. This test assesses our sex and adrenal hormones: sex hormones including estrogen and estrogen metabolites (which indicates how well your body is detoxifying and eliminating estrogens), progesterone, testosterone and testosterone metabolites (including DHT), DHEA-s; adrenal hormones including 5 x cortisol pattern, and melatonin. The DUTCH hormone test is quickly becoming known as the most comprehensive and up to date method for measuring and assessing hormonal balance. You can read more here:
Comprehensive Thyroid Testing
Thyroid testing is easily assessed via blood, however, it is rarely done comprehensively. Most doctors rely on testing TSH alone as a method of screening for low thyroid function. However, we know that proper thyroid testing should involve measuring much more than just TSH, and should include free T3 and T4, reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies. Make sure you are getting adequate thyroid testing before allowing your doctor to dismiss your health concerns. For more information, please read here:
Digestive System Analysis
A comprehensive digestive system analysis is an incredible tool. This testing looks at the microbes that inhabit the digestive tract and looks for any imbalances. When the healthy bacteria are thrown off, it adds stress to the immune system and affects thyroid, hormones, energy, weight, and digestion. This analysis evaluates your ability to digest and absorb food and for the presence and quantity of beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, yeast, candida and parasites. Problems in these areas can be the underlying cause for many clinical symptoms and conditions such as autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s hypothyroid, Grave’s disease, immune dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines and more.
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) Breath Test
SIBO is the #1 cause of IBS and many digestive symptoms including constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping, and reflux/heartburn. This test is used to determine if bacterial overgrowth is a cause of your health concerns. It is currently the only test available to accurately assess for SIBO.
Food sensitivity testing is valuable in identifying potential triggers of chronic inflammation. The 95 foods tested include dairy (casein, whey), eggs, wheat (gluten, gliadin), nuts, soy, corn, grains, and many more. This test serves as a helpful guide in food elimination challenges and has helped people resolve digestive issues, skin issues, asthma, and autoimmune diseases despite prior “normal” allergy testing. This goes beyond the tests typically done by allergy specialists. It can help you identify food triggers for many health conditions, such as migraines and headaches, eczema, autoimmune conditions, IBS and digestive issues, low energy, fertility, increased intestinal permeability, or leaky gut, and gluten sensitivity.
Adrenal Fatigue Testing
We often only think of stress as mental or emotional, but physical stressors like toxins, inflammation, food sensitivities, chronic infections and more can impact our stress response. This test takes a close look at the stress hormone, cortisol, to observe your response to stress throughout the course of the day. This is a urine test (via the DUTCH test, which is now found to be more useful and accurate than salivary hormone testing) to evaluate adrenal fatigue by measuring cortisol and DHEA levels throughout the course of the day. This is especially helpful for those with excessive fatigue, inflammatory conditions, hormone imbalance and weight issues.
Heavy Metal Testing
The unfortunate truth is that our earth is becoming increasing more toxic. Heavy metals, including mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium, impact multiple areas of health: cardiovascular function, memory, autoimmune diseases, severe fatigue or neurological symptoms, unexplained symptoms, or environmental exposure. Provocative urine heavy metal testing is the gold standard for evaluating your heavy metal risk.
Organic Acids Testing
This test reveals detailed information about your metabolism and your ability to burn fat, nutrient depletions, dysbiosis, yeast/Candida overgrowth, bacterial overgrowith, your ability to produce energy, mitochondrial function, detox capacity and oxidative stress, neurotransmitter balance, methylation status and amino acid levels. This test is ideal for those that suffer from low energy or chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, brain fog, weight loss resistance, insomnia, anxiety or depression, multiple chemical sensitivity, athletes that want to optimize their performance, autoimmune conditions, and many more.